Event Date: March 22, 2016

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for helping make last night’s Public Community Discussion prosperous. We spent a few hours together and were able to connect several interests with tangible outcomes for our community. With a diverse group ranging in age and professional backgrounds, we feel the greatest outcome from the discussion was that you all were able to identify and work through 4 areas of interest.
The following 4 unique initiatives emerged:
– Education/Afterschool Programs
– Community Gardens
– Universal Community Events Calendar (online)
– Bicycles/Sustainable Transportation

Creating Community Connections through Inclusion
Although we created four distinct groups last night, there are plenty of other members in our community that have expressed interest in working with ReInvision Huntingdon to execute projects. In order to make a large, sustainable community impact, RH is happy to promote and help facilitate meetings for the individual groups that were created. We are not interested in micro-managing, but do know that it takes a village to make large caliber ideas come to fruition. If your group has chosen to continue meeting prior to a future RH meeting, please keep us posted. We are happy to make an “Event” on Facebook and continue to get interested community members involved in meetings.
One example: The community gardens concept has roughly 15-20 individuals who were not in attendance last night but have expressed serious interested in helping facilitate a publicly accessible garden space. These individuals range from high school and college students, local farmers, and Juniata Faculty.
Many of you asked: what are we doing next?
In addition to holding our community discussion meetings we hope to hold one big meeting with a representative from each community group/organization. The goal and purpose of doing this is to break the ‘small meeting’ mindset and present an overall ‘United Community’ plan that has an advantage of leading ideas to fruition. Many times, we have an idea and as mentioned last night, we don’t know where to start.
Tuesday April 12th from 5:30-7:30PM
We would like to schedule the next Public Community Discussion on Tuesday, April 12th from 5:30-7:30pm. We have identified several potential meeting locations, however, if you have an idea for a meeting space that can hold 50-80 guests comfortably please let us know. We are happy to take your recommendations!
Huntingdon is very fortunate to have this high caliber of community members that are interested in, and willing to help make change happen. We look forward to working with each of you in the coming weeks!