2017 Garden Crew Members
Huntingdon Community Food Garden
J.C. Blair Memorial Hospital
Juniata College
Standing Stone Coffee Company
Huntingdon Kiwanis
The Medicine Shoppe
Frank P. Hommon Post No. 24, American Legion
Huntingdon CareerLink with Kathy Hall
Grier School
Huntingdon Area Middle School
Individual supporters include: Jennifer Koskey, The Slusher Family in addition to many more individuals and families who came out during the 2017 season to help with–or donate to–the Community Food Garden! Thanks as always to the Huntingdon Community Center for generously providing us with a place to grow vegetables for the community!
The 2017 season at the Community Food Garden was a great success. It takes a community to enact positive change, and we thank everyone for donating their time to help low income folks enjoy the pleasure of eating fresh produce straight out of the garden. Every time we dropped off produce at the Drop-In Center and the Salvation Army, we were received with smiles, thank-yous, and comments regarding how good the produce from the past week tasted.
2017 Huntingdon Community Food Garden Produce:
In 2017 we donated $2,109 in produce to our local food banks. To put that number in perspective, let’s look at the total weight of our primary crops:
239 pounds of potatoes
235 pounds of onions
231.5 pounds of tomatoes
221.5 pounds of zucchini and butternut squash
45 pounds of beans (from our tiny little plot!)
We hope that with growing interest in the local food movement and continued community involvement the Huntingdon Community Food Garden will grow and evolve in ways to better suit the needs of our community at large. Our community support this year was immensely appreciated; again, without the efforts of our newly established “Garden Crews” and volunteers our success this year would not have been possible. It was a pleasure to work with all of you; the camaraderie of people from a myriad of backgrounds coming together for a common purpose was truly cherished.
Here’s to a great season and even more bountiful seasons to come!
ReInvision Huntingdon